Sunday Worship 10 a.m.
Each and every Sunday we welcome all to attend our worship service. Generally about 100 folks gather on Sunday, depending on whether our snowbirds are here or have flown to their other homes. We are often joined by visitors because we are a community that attracts travelers and vacationers from across the country.
As a congregation, we engage our children in Children's Time, singing, sharing joys, concerns and sightings of the Holy Spirit and we pray. We listen to the scriptures, are enlightened by our Pastor's sermon and then we join at Christ's table. On the first Sunday of each month, we serve communion to our congregation in their seats and accept the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as a congregation. We welcome all to receive this sacrament of the church as a symbol of God's gifts of new life and love through the sharing of bread and juice.
Sunday 9:00 am
Each week we consider the Scripture(s) that will be used for preaching that week. We read the Scriptures together and ask questions and share insights. Lively discussions and laughter as well as life-changing insights are integral parts of these studies.
We gather in our Community Hall conference room and invite you to join us or just drop in for a visit. If you have an interest in learning more about the Bible, being part of a group where the study is challenging and discussions invigorating, then this is the group for you!
During the Sunday Service
Our children come to the first part of our Sunday morning service. After welcoming the congregation, the Pastor engages all children who wish to participate in Children's Time. This time is interactive and well supplemented by commentary and questions form our little ones. After children's time, most of the children go to Sunday school or nursery classes. Our Sunday school runs through the summer.
We find that our Sunday school and nursery folks are so much fun that children are generally eager to run along! However, if you choose for them to stay in worship, they are always welcome. In our church we do not mind wiggles or little voices. We understand that God grows us through the interactions with people of all ages and abilities. We welcome children with various special needs. And, if we don't have the support needed for your child, we will work with you to figure out how to get it! Let us walk with your family.
Contact the office to schedule a meeting with the Pastor.
We believe that baptism is a sacrament in which the whole church community participates. We baptize all ages from birth through adulthood. During baptism, the church promises to help the person accepting baptism to grow in faithfulness and we covenant to journey beside them as they grow. Our pastor is available to answer any questions you or family members may have.
We joyfully celebrate weddings regardless of sexual orientation in our church. We honor God’s sacred call to two individuals to join their lives together with loving fidelity as they invite God to bless and guide their married life. Our pastor is available for consultation about marriage plans or to discuss any questions that you may have. She meets with couples for premarital counseling and encourages all to ensure that a church home is an integral part of Christian marriage plans.
Our pastor is available for funeral planning. We generally call these celebrations of life and, to the extent that is possible, we lift up all that has been positive and instructive from the life of one who has gone on into life eternal. You do not have to have a church connection to reach out to us for help if you have experienced loss. Please call our church office and arrange to speak with our pastor.