The United Church of Christ of New Smyrna Beach has provided the community with all the tools, wisdom, and resources they need to keep them grounded. Our Faith Affirmations was established with an aim to offer congregants the chance to give back to the community.
We want to make it easy for all to help as much as their financial limits allow. Your monetary gifts do so much to enrich the community and help everyone the United Church of Christ serves.
Below are ways you can support us.

Mail your monetary gifts directly by setting up online bill pay through your bank or manually writing a check and mailing it to:
203 Washington Street
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Do you shop on AMAZON?
Did you know...
you can set up the United Church of Christ (Disciples of Christ) New Smyrna
Beach as your charitable organization.
Why, you say?
Because Amazon will donate funds to the church for purchase you make on AmazonSmile.
Click the link below to get started
We provide facilities for several organizations serving New Smyrna Beach and surrounding communities. Some of our rentals are NSB Cancer Support, AA, Inlet Condo HOA and independent service and arts groups. Contact our Church Office at (386) 428-2352 to discuss your specific event needs and review our rental contract.
Members of our congregation lead busy lives. However, everyone contributes, small or large, to the church mission "to minister to others." Here are several ways that our visitors, as well as our members, can be immediately and actively involved.
Members and visitors...
attend Sunday service and bring one canned or boxed food item and place it in our "Gifts of Love" red wagon in the Narthex
support the Teens-in-Action group when they conduct bake sales, BBQ's and fundraisers
on Mother's Day celebrate "Blanket Sunday"and Father's Day celebrate "Tool Sunday" with a donation of $10 helping minister to those with the greatest need around the world.
Members are encouraged to...
Sign up as a liturgist
Sign up to teach Sunday school for our children
Join our choir
Sponsor flowers for the altar in memory of someone or just because
Sign up to assist Hospitality for our Fellowship hour preparing food or helping setup /cleanup
Participate in decorating the church for special holiday
Consider joining one of our committees - Worship, Outreach, Hospitality, Membership or volunteer in our Thrift Store.